Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 Read online

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  He stopped kissing Charlotte and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. Their kisses continued, Sean’s hands roaming up and down her body causing her body temperature to rise to a boiling point.

  Charlotte threw caution to the wind. It didn’t matter he was her client. It didn’t matter she barely knew him. At this moment in time, it only mattered that he seemed to need her and she wanted to be the one to comfort him during his time of distress.

  Sean paused and asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” Charlotte moaned.

  Sean however did stop kissing Charlotte, but only long enough for him to lead her to his bedroom. As soon as they were through the door, he picked Charlotte up and placed her on the king-sized bed filled with fluffy pillows.

  Charlotte was impressed at his strength. It turned her on even more. Their eyes locked as Sean gently removed her clothes. He bent down and planted kisses on her neck. Charlotte leaned her head back, closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his full, soft lips.

  While kissing her neck, he gently rubbed her right nipple, and she couldn’t control the moans escaping her mouth. Sean replaced his hand with his lips sending shock waves through Charlotte’s body as he sucked on her nipples and used his other hand to explore the rest of her body.

  Sean seemed to hit every one of Charlotte’s erogenous spots. Part of her wanted to stop him, but she was now at the point of no return. He parted her center with his tongue and his mouth made love to her in a way that had never been done before. Her body shivered as she climaxed in Sean’s mouth.

  Charlotte’s body trembled in delight as Sean eased up from between her legs and removed his clothes. He reached into the drawer next to his bed and removed a condom. She watched as he placed the condom on. She took in the full view of him. He was perfect.

  Sean couldn’t take his eyes off Charlotte. All he wanted to do was pleasure her and the more she moaned, the more it motivated him. He wanted to imprint his name in her spirit so just the thought of him would make her body shiver. He got on top of her and he felt complete the moment he entered her paradise. He groaned in delight.

  He closed his eyes and got lost in a treasure worth far more than money or gold. Charlotte met each one of his thrusts with the same intensity he gave. Sean got lost inside of her and forgot about everything else. Something tugged on his heart the moment their bodies connected.

  The room was filled with sounds of their lovemaking and soon, they were both crying out with pleasure as they climaxed together.

  Sean gently wiped the hair from Charlotte’s forehead, as she lay snuggled in his arms. “I’m really glad you’re here,” he whispered, unsure if she was awake or had fallen asleep.

  He felt her shift in his arms. “Sean, right now you’re dealing with a lot. Don’t say something you don’t mean,” Charlotte responded.

  “I was only going to say I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve spent together. I want to get to know you better and see where this leads.”

  “Leads? Sean, come on now. We just met. Besides, you’re my client. What happened between us shouldn’t have happened.”

  “We’re both grown. I knew exactly what I was doing and you did too.” Sean felt tension rising in his body.

  “It still doesn’t make it right,” she responded, looking away from him.

  “We did nothing wrong.”

  “I don’t normally do this. In fact, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been with a man?”

  Sean placed his finger over her lips. “Shh. I don’t want to hear it. What happened between us was beautiful.”

  “It was, but...”

  “No, buts. If I’ve learned anything from Dana’s death it’s to not waste any time. I want you and I’m glad it happened.”

  “I have a reputation to uphold. What will people think if they found out I was sleeping with one of my clients? Especially in light of Dana’s death?”

  “It’s none of their business. Come on, Charlotte. You never would have made love to me the way you did if you didn’t feel the connection.”

  Charlotte got up off the bed and started looking for her clothes. “I got caught up in the moment. I shouldn’t have allowed it to go this far.”

  “Too late. There’s no going back to how things were,” Sean responded.

  “It’s unprofessional of me to be sleeping with my client.”

  “Then assign me to someone else, but, Charlotte, I want you. This wasn’t just a one-time thing for me.”

  Charlotte stared at Sean with a confused look on her face. She looked at the door and then back at Sean. Without saying another word, she left him alone.

  His internal voice cried out to her, but no words would come. Her rejection made his heart ache. After losing his parents, it’d been hard to love anyone else besides Marie. Now that he’d found Charlotte, he didn’t want to lose her. She was smart, successful and genuinely seemed to care about him. When he heard the front door close, he screamed out in agony at the thought of losing another person he cared about.

  Chapter Seven

  It’d been twelve hours and three minutes since Charlotte felt Sean inside of her. As much as she tried to erase the memory of their time together, she couldn’t. She’d stopped by the gym to try to get him off her mind but nothing seemed to help. Charlotte increased the speed on the treadmill.

  “Slow down or you’re going to run right off the machine,” Mona said, from the other treadmill.

  “She acts like she’s running away from something.” Kem took a quick sip of water while pedaling on the stationery bike.

  Charlotte wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. Without looking at either one of them, she responded, “I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

  Mona, who was shorter than her two friends and probably the healthiest with her petite and muscular build, stopped the treadmill. She bent down, picked up her bottled mineral water, and took a sip. “Spill it. I haven’t seen you this worked up since...well since forever.”

  Kem, still riding the stationery bike, said, “Not since Darryl.”

  Charlotte pressed a button to slow down the treadmill. “Can we not bring Darryl into this conversation?”

  “So it is about a man?” Kem smiled.

  “Yes and no,” Charlotte responded.

  The mention of Darryl’s name brought back bitter memories. Memories that deserved to be dead and buried; especially since Darryl was a former client who almost ruined her career with his lies. When Charlotte got tired of dealing with his verbal and emotional abuse, she chose to end their engagement. He was used to being the one in control, so when she broke it off with him, he resorted to saying nasty things about her to anyone who would listen. It took her years to rebuild.

  Mona tapped her foot. “You might as well tell us now because sooner or later, we will get it out of you.”

  Charlotte knew keeping things from these two was next to impossible. Out of the three of them, Kem was the most secretive. Charlotte guessed she had to be because she was the producer of one of the highest rated television shows on network TV. She wouldn’t even divulge plot twists with them, even after bribing her with a carton of her favorite Rocky Road ice cream.

  “You remember Sean Maxwell, right?” Charlotte asked. She slowed down the pace of the treadmill as she talked.

  Kem fanned herself. “Of course. I was thinking about writing him into an episode just so I could get an up close and personal look at that body of his.”

  They all laughed.

  “Well, I just signed him on as a client.”

  “Cool. That makes my job so much easier,” Kem said.

  Charlotte stopped the treadmill and stood on the floor. “Please promise me you won’t say anything to anyone.”

  Mona and Charlotte were now standing nex
t to Kem on the bike. Mona and Kem looked at each other. They used their fingers and crossed their hearts. Mona spoke out first, “Now spill it.”

  Charlotte looked around the gym. Although everyone appeared to be in their own little worlds, Charlotte didn’t want to take a chance of being overheard.

  “I’m going to go change clothes. Why don’t I meet you both at the coffee shop on the corner and I promise to tell you everything.”

  Kem jumped off the bike. “We’re going to hold you to it.”

  Twenty minutes later, the ladies were seated at a table at their favorite hang out spot, a local coffee shop that served some of the finest coffee from around the world and a very relaxing atmosphere.

  Charlotte didn’t know how to say it so she blurted it out. “I slept with him.”

  “With Mr. Naughty man himself?” Mona asked.

  “Shh. Don’t talk so loud.”

  “Girl, nobody’s paying us any attention. They are too busy doing their own thing.”

  “Mona, you can get a little loud,” Kem said.

  Mona rolled her eyes at Kem. “This isn’t about you. This is about Charlotte finally getting her groove on.”

  Kem raised her coffee cup in the air. “This calls for a celebration. Your drought is over.”

  “How long has it been?” Mona asked.

  “Five years too long,” Kem answered for Charlotte.

  Darryl’s constant criticism about her weight made Charlotte feel insecure so she’d taken herself out of the dating market. Once she’d lost a few pounds and built her self esteem, dating was no longer a priority, growing her business became her number one priority.

  “I’m glad you’re getting back out there. You deserve a piece of happiness,” Mona said.

  Charlotte frowned. “Ladies, this is not good. Sean’s a client of mine.”

  “And?” Mona asked.

  “Remember Darryl? Remember how he dragged my name through the mud? It took me awhile to recover from it. No firm would hire me, that’s why I started my own.”

  “What Darryl did was a blessing in disguise. You’re your own boss and have quite a few associates working for you,” Kem said.

  “True, but we all know how quick things can turn. That’s why I told Sean what we did last night could never happen again.”

  Mona tilted her head and asked, “Are you serious?”

  “I’m a curvy girl. Do y’all really think I can compete with the models and actresses that want him? No. So why should I set myself up for disappointment and heartbreak.”

  “Apparently Sean likes your curves, so don’t even go there,” Mona responded.

  Charlotte squirmed in her seat remembering how his lips touched every part of her body.

  Kem waved her hand in front of Charlotte’s face. “Hello? Earth to Charlotte. Come back,” Kem said a few times.

  Charlotte’s body shook one good time. “Sorry. I zoned out for a moment.”

  Mona sipped on her hot coffee. Kem did the same. Neither said a word. Charlotte looked from one to the other. “Neither one of you have anything else you want to say?”

  Mona shook her head from side to side.

  Kem raised her eyebrows. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but for a simple booty call, you sure are overreacting.”

  “There you go. Reading more into it than what’s there.” Charlotte didn’t dare tell them about Sean’s confession, not now anyway.

  Kem said, “I say do what your heart leads you to do.”

  “I can’t,” Charlotte whined.

  “If you don’t want him, send him my way. I might come in a small package but I have a lot of love to give and something tells me, Mr. Naughty has a lot to give too,” Mona muttered.

  “I don’t think so,” Charlotte said, without cracking a smile.

  Mona laughed. “Just kidding. I don’t want your man.“

  “He’s not my man,” Charlotte responded.

  “Yet,” Kem added. “He’s not your man, yet.”

  Chapter Eight

  Sean finished his daily exercise routine which consisted of sit-ups, pushups and lifting weights. Although Sean could sing, his body was one of the things his female fans found the most attractive about him. He made it a habit to keep in top physical form.

  Today, however, his mind wasn’t on physical fitness, it was filled with thoughts of Charlotte. The more he thought about her, the more reps he did. He wished she hadn’t left the way she did. He tried not to beat himself up for coming on too strong. He really did want to get to know her better. After the way she made love to him, he assumed she would want the same.

  A lot of musicians kept an entourage of people around them, but Sean liked to keep his circle small. The smaller his circle, the more control he felt like he had when it concerned his personal information being leaked to the media.

  Priscilla cleared her throat breaking him out of his thoughts. She stood in the doorway holding a newspaper. “We need to talk.”

  Sean set the weights upon the bar and sat up. “Good morning to you, too.”

  Priscilla frowned. She walked in the room and shoved the newspaper in his hand. “The management firm you hired isn’t doing their job. Why is this even in the paper?”

  Sean held the paper. He saw a picture of him and his ex-manager, Dana, staring right back at him. The article filled a fourth of the page. He read some of the story out loud. “Sources at the LA police department reveal there is an ongoing investigation. Although the victim left a suicide note, they are not ruling out foul play. Sources revealed that R & B superstar Sean Maxwell has been questioned. More details will follow.”

  Sean looked up at Priscilla and said, “This isn’t too bad. It’s the truth.”

  Priscilla grabbed Sean’s hand. “Come with me.”

  Sean stood and followed Priscilla out of his workout room. She led him to the front of the house. She shifted the curtain so he could see outside.

  “What in the world?” he blurted.

  At least thirty reporters with cameras and microphones were at the end of his driveway.

  Priscilla closed the curtain. “The phone’s been ringing off the hook. Every tabloid, news station and blogger wants to talk to you.”

  “I don’t know any more than they know about what happened to Dana.”

  “So what do you want me to tell everyone?” Priscilla asked.

  “Nothing. If we keep quiet, maybe they’ll go away.”

  The doorbell rang. Sean opened the door and a camera flashed in his face. His hand flew up over his eyes. It took him a few seconds to regain his vision. A man in a suit asked, “Sean, can we ask you a few questions.”

  Irritated, Sean responded, “No.” He then slammed the door.

  “Sean, maybe you shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have answered the door.”

  “No, I’m talking about slamming the door in the Entertainment News reporter’s face. That’s not a good look.”

  “Call Charlotte. Tell her I need to see her ASAP.”

  Sean stormed off to the bathroom located on the first floor to take a shower. While under the hot water, he moved his head from side to side attempting to release the tension that now resided there due to the media frenzy surrounding Dana’s death. Some of the false accusations about the dynamics of his and Dana’s relationship filled the news feed.

  He blocked out his current situation and allowed his mind to think back on the previous night. Sean felt himself becoming aroused at the memory of making love to Charlotte. Being with her made his world feel complete. His erection deflated when thoughts of Dana crept in.

  Sean ended the shower, dried off and placed a robe on. He went upstairs to his bedroom and changed into a pair of jeans and a Lakers jersey.

  He went to his home office located on the
first floor. Priscilla glanced at him from her desk as soon as he walked in the room. “I talked to Charlotte and she’s sending someone over to talk with you.”

  “That’s unacceptable. I thought you understood I wanted to see Charlotte, not one of her associates.”

  “Don’t get all testy with me. I’m only telling you what Charlotte told me.”

  Sean sat behind his desk and picked up the phone. “What’s her number?”

  Priscilla got up and walked over to his desk. “I’ll dial it for you.”

  Sean looked at Priscilla. “I got this. What’s her number?”

  Priscilla recited Charlotte’s number and reluctantly went and sat back down. Sean ignored her attitude.

  “Charlotte, this is Sean. I need to see you,” he said, without any pleasantries.

  “Hi, Sean, as I told your assistant, I am sending over Jason Lewis. He’s one of my best associates. He will be able to assist you with all of your needs. If for some reason he’s unable to, he has been given instructions to contact me.”

  “But, Charlotte, I really need you.”

  “Jason should be there shortly. If there’s nothing else, I have a conference call I’m late dialing in for. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

  Sean stared at the handset. Charlotte hung up on him. If she treated all of her clients the way she was treating him right now, she wouldn’t be in business. Sean wasn’t used to taking no for an answer. He believed in positive thinking and making things happen. If Charlotte wouldn’t come to him, then he would go to her. He grabbed his Lakers hat and headed towards the garage.

  Priscilla ran behind him. “Hold up. What do you want me to tell Jason when he comes?”

  “Tell him to call his boss. I’m out of here.” Sean hopped in his black, fully-loaded Cadillac Escalade and eased out of the garage as cameras flashed.

  With all of the chaos going on around him, he needed Charlotte. She was the only one who seemed to bring calmness to his world.

  Chapter Nine