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Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 Page 5
Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 Read online
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Sean’s arms dropped from around her waist. He gently turned her around. They were now face to face. “Please, don’t go. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know how I would get through all of this. You have no idea of how alone I feel sometimes,” he confessed.
Charlotte felt her heart tug. “You have family and friends.”
Sean’s eyes darted away. “The only family I have left, that I can depend on is my sister, Marie, and we’ve already spoken.” He shared with Charlotte what happened to his parents.
“Oh no. I lost my parents to a tragedy too. But they weren’t shot, they were killed in a car accident,” Charlotte responded. Tears filled her eyes.
Sean took one of his hands and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
Charlotte sniffled. “I’m okay.”
“So will you stay?”
“Only if you behave.”
“I promise to be on my best behavior.” Sean held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”
“Were you a Boy Scout?” Charlotte asked.
They both laughed.
Charlotte asked, “Sean, are you telling me everything? Is there something more about Dana I should know?”
Sean held Charlotte’s hand and looked down into her eyes. “I’ve told you everything. Dana was my manager and my friend. We were never intimate. I didn’t want her in that capacity. It was strictly business between us.”
“I hear you,” Charlotte responded.
“Please trust me. Can you do it for me?” Sean asked.
Charlotte nodded. “Don’t make me regret it.”
He kissed the back of her hand. “I’m trying to abide by your wishes but I can’t stop thinking about last night. I want you.”
Charlotte wanted Sean as much as he wanted her. Her heart pounded. He was so close, she was sure he could hear the sound of her rapid heartbeat.
“I want you too,” Charlotte confessed.
Sean bent down and kissed her lips. He eased his tongue inside of her mouth. She didn’t resist. Instead, she gasped, as her feet became light. As if sensing she was about to lose her balance, Sean scooped her into his arms and carried her to his desk, sitting her atop of it. He eased Charlotte’s skirt up around her waist. He rubbed the outside of her soaked panties before removing them. He threw them to the side of the desk. Charlotte could no longer deny the attraction so she gave in to her feelings. Sean’s head dove in between her legs. His soft lips made contact with her lips and he twirled his tongue in and out of her core.
Charlotte leaned her head back, wrapped her legs around his neck, and allowed Sean to pleasure her. The more she moaned, the more tricks he did with his tongue. She tried to control the sensation ripping through her body, but she couldn’t. Her legs shivered and she cried out in joy.
Chapter Twelve
The more Charlotte moaned the more Sean wanted to pleasure her. She tasted sweet and he couldn’t get enough of her. “Ooooh, baby, I can’t take no more,” she moaned.
Sean stopped briefly but only to remove his jeans. He noticed her right leg trembling. The desire he saw in her eyes excited him. He shifted her hips close to the edge of the desk and thrust inside of her.
He moaned in pleasure at the feel of the moisture in between her legs. “Charlotteeee,” he said her name over and over.
Charlotte met each one of his moves with one of her own. They rocked back and forth on the desk until they both climaxed. He held her close to his chest until their heavy breathing subsided and seemed as one in a slow even pace.
Sean didn’t know what the future held, but he knew at this moment, and at this time, life was perfect. He was exactly where he wanted to be. He didn’t just want Charlotte in his life; he needed her mind, body and soul. Being with her completed him and he hoped she felt the same way.
The doorbell rang. Sean hated the delivery guy came as soon as he did. He didn’t want to move. The doorbell rang again.
Charlotte said, “The food’s here.”
“I better go before he starts banging on the door.” Sean kissed Charlotte on the lips then put his boxers and jeans back on.
Charlotte eased her skirt down. “I’m going to the bathroom to freshen up.”
“Everything you need should be in the cabinets,” Sean surmised.
Thirty minutes later, Charlotte and Sean were seated across from each other at the kitchen table eating their Chinese food. Neither seemed to want the night to end as they talked and shared things about their childhood and family with one another.
“I always wished I had a sister. Mona and Kem are the closest things to it. You may not remember them, but they were at the charity event where we met,” Charlotte said, right before drinking from her bottled water.
“I’m sure if I see them again, it’ll refresh my memory.”
“My parents both moved to California from the south so I don’t have any family here that I know of. I’ve basically been on my own since they died.”
“I have other family, but Marie’s the only family I’m close to. When my parents were killed, we went from house to house. No one wanted the responsibility of taking care of us. Marie lied so she could keep me with her. She pretended to be older than she really was. I don’t know how she did it, but she got us housing in the projects. Those were some rough years, but we made it through.”
Charlotte reached over and rubbed the top of his hand.
“If your fans only knew the trials and tribulations you’ve gone through to succeed, they wouldn’t dare be turning their backs on you now,” Charlotte said.
It touched Sean that Charlotte was concerned.
“I don’t talk about it much, but I do talk to the youth and try to encourage them. If a child sees they have hope, then they will try. We have to give our youth a reason to want to do better with their lives.”
Charlotte nodded in agreement. “There’s more to you that I didn’t know.”
“There’s a lot of stuff you will never read online. If you want to know something about me, all you have to do is ask.”
Charlotte pulled her chair closer to the table. “I want to know everything.”
Sean went on to tell Charlotte more about his life before becoming a famous R & B singer. “If it wasn’t for Priscilla’s brother, Dallas, taking a bullet for me, I might not be here today.”
Charlotte’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Sean’s eyes glazed over as he thought back to his late teen years. “I was nineteen years old. I was doing whatever I could to make ends meet. I grew up in the Fifth Ward of Houston. Me and my friend, Dallas, would steal and then resell items to get money. Well, we happened to steal from the wrong person. They wanted to retaliate. Someone identified the car we used. Dallas happened to be in the car by himself and took a bullet. A bullet that was also meant for me.”
“I hate to sound selfish but I’m glad you didn’t get shot,” Charlotte blurted out.
“I sometimes feel guilty that I didn’t.”
“But, it’s not your fault Dallas got killed,” Charlotte declared.
“I know but Dallas was like a brother to me. I would have easily exchanged places with him, if I could.”
Charlotte squeezed his hand. “So is that why Priscilla’s here? You feel some type of obligation to Dallas to take care of his little sister.”
“Yes. I promised him I would take care of her and I feel it’s the least I could do.”
“That’s very noble of you. The more I learn about you, the more I’m drawn to you,” Charlotte confessed.
Sean smiled. The conversation lightened up and they finished eating.
“The good thing about take out, there’s no need to clean the kitchen afterwards,” Sean said, as he threw their empty containers away.
Charlotte wiped her mouth with o
ne of the napkins. “This was good.”
“Glad you liked it.”
Charlotte stood . She glanced at the watch on her arm. “I can’t believe it’s almost eleven.”
“I didn’t realize it was so late either.”
“You better call a cab for me.”
“I have a better idea. Why don’t you spend the night?” Sean suggested.
He walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.
She touched his chest. “It’s best that I don’t. I need to be fresh and well rested for your press conference tomorrow. Not to mention, you do have the paparazzi out front. We don’t need another headline.”
“I’m not calling a cab,” Sean said.
“Then I guess you’re taking me home,” she responded.
“I guess so. Give me a minute to find my keys.”
Fifteen minutes later, they were headed down interstate 405 towards Charlotte’s Mediterranean style house. Conversation between them was kept to a minimum. Instead of talking to one another, they listened to some of Sean’s latest slow songs. When he reached over to hold Charlotte’s hand, she didn’t resist.
Once nearing her subdivision, Charlotte gave him directions on how to get to her house.
The houses in Charlotte’s subdivision weren’t as big as Sean’s neighborhood, but they were nice sizes. Charlotte stayed in a three-bedroom brick home with a beautifully manicured lawn and a two-car garage.
Sean heard the barking of a dog when he pulled into the driveway.
“Never mind him. That’s my neighbor’s dog,” Charlotte said, as she unfastened her seatbelt.
Sean went to the passenger door and opened it. “I want to make sure you get in safe and sound.”
“You’re such a gentleman.”
“I’m glad you noticed.”
Sean placed his hand in the center of her back as they walked up the sidewalk to the front of her house. She looked inside of her purse.
“You’re not going to believe this,” she exclaimed.
“What?” Sean asked.
“I left my keys in my desk. I wasn’t driving so I placed them in my drawer. I’m screwed.”
“Maybe not,” Sean said. “I’ll be right back.”
Charlotte watched Sean as he fumbled in a toolbox he kept in the back of his SUV. He returned holding a crowbar. “Lead me to your back door. Last thing we want is for your neighbors to see me breaking into your house.”
“That’s one scandal we definitely don’t need right now,” Charlotte said.
“You’re right about that.”
Charlotte watched Sean use his tools to open her back door. Her alarm went off and she ran inside to deactivate it.
Charlotte shifted from side to side. “We have a busy day tomorrow. You probably should be going home. I want you to look refreshed for the press conference.”
“I will, after this.” Sean wrapped his arm around Charlotte and pulled her into a passionate kiss. “Now, I can go.”
Charlotte stood there with her lips pouted.
“I’ll have a car come pick you up in the morning,” Sean said.
Charlotte nodded. Sean heard the latch lock after she closed the door behind him. He wished she would have asked him to stay.
Chapter Thirteen
Charlotte tossed and turned the whole night. She wished she would’ve asked him to stay the night. She wanted him to know she cared. Sean made her feel good. Made her feel smart and sexy but she knew with the public allegations hanging over his head, it was best whatever feelings they had for each other be put on hold. She had to get a grip before things spiraled out of control.
There was no need for an alarm because she was awoke before eight. She showered and went to her closet. She pulled out her light blue custom-made power suit. She slicked her freshly relaxed, straight hair back into a high ponytail, did her make-up and then put on her clothes. She accessorized her look with a pair of pearl earrings and a matching pearl necklace. She wore one ring, her birthstone ring, a sapphire on her ring finger of her right hand. Satisfied with her appearance, she slipped into her matching blue Jimmy Choos and waited for her ride to come pick her up.
She didn’t have to wait long. A limousine driver arrived minutes later. She checked in with her office while riding to Sean’s. Crowds of reporters were already lined up in front of the gate surrounding his home, the limousine easing its way through, to the house. She could see flashes as she made her way up the steps to the front door.
Priscilla’s scowl greeted her when the door opened. “Hi, Charmaine.”
Charlotte smiled. “I’ll give you a pass this time because I realize some people aren’t as bright as others. So remembering a simple name like Charlotte may be difficult.”
“I’m sorry, Charlotte. I’m a little stressed so please forgive me,” Priscilla said as she moved out of the way to allow Charlotte in.
“Sure, no problem. Where’s Sean?” Charlotte asked.
“He’s in the living room, I think.”
The doorbell rang. “That’s probably Jason. Send him back if it is.” Charlotte walked away in search for Sean.
She stopped in the doorway of the living room and watched Sean for a few seconds before making her presence known. He looked dashing in the black Oscar de le Renta lambswool blazer with a lapel and matching pair of black slacks. He paced back and forth in front of the fireplace.
“You’re going to tire yourself out before the news conference,” Charlotte said, as she entered the room.
He stopped and looked at her. “I can calm down now that you’re here.”
Sean walked near her. He reached down to hug her. She didn’t resist. She held on to him tight. “It’s going to be alright,” she assured him.
Neither wanted to let the other go. Charlotte was the first to pull away.
“We need to be careful. Anyone could have walked in on us,” she spat.
“But after last night, I thought—”
“We’ll talk later. For now, let’s table this discussion.”
Sean frowned but Charlotte didn’t care. Her emotions were all over the place. If she didn’t push their situation to the back of her mind, she wouldn’t be any good to him today when they went to face the vultures. This was a pivotal moment in his career. She had to push her personal desires aside and do what was best for his career.
Jason entered the room. “Good morning. Is our star ready to face the public?”
Charlotte looked at Sean. “Are you ready?”
“Not really. Maybe you can go out there and speak on my behalf.”
Charlotte walked over to Sean. She straightened out the handkerchief at the top of his suit. “You can do this. I’ll be by your side the whole time.”
Jason walked near Charlotte and handed her an earpiece and a pendant.
“I’m going to clip this pendant right here so Jason can hear what’s being asked. Place this in your ear so you can hear him.”
“This is a two thousand dollar suit. I don’t want a hole in it,” Sean said.
“You’ll never know it was there. Trust me.”
Charlotte slipped the pendant on the pocket with the handkerchief.
“I’m going to test it. Say something,” Jason ordered.
“Testing...testing,” Charlotte repeated.
“I can hear you. Sean, now we need to make sure you can hear me,” Jason said.
They spent the next few minutes testing the audio.
Priscilla walked in. “Sean, I need to see you about something.”
“Can it wait? I’m sort of busy right now.”
Priscilla frowned, turned around and walked away without saying a word.
Sean asked, “Will y’all excuse me for a minute? Let me go see what’s going on with her.”
“She needs me to
slap her one good time and she’ll be alright,” Charlotte said, once Sean was out of earshot.
Jason laughed. “I don’t think she likes me. But I know she can’t stand you.”
“I don’t think she likes me either. Glad I’m not the only one sensing it,” Charlotte responded before glancing at her watch. “It’s about show time.”
“You got this, boss lady,” Jason assured her.
“I’ve done this many times, but for some reason, today, I’m nervous.”
“Maybe because this one is a little personal,” Jason noted.
Charlotte ignored Jason’s comment. Instead, she said, “It’s time to get this show started. Sean needs to hurry up.”
“Did I hear my name?” Sean asked as he stepped back in the room.
Charlotte walked away from where Jason stood. “Yes. It’s time. Come on.”
“We can walk or drive to the end of the driveway,” Sean suggested.
“With these heels on, I don’t think I’ll be able to walk anywhere,” Charlotte responded.
“You drive.” Sean removed car keys from his pocket and handed them to Charlotte.
Charlotte smiled when she saw the black Maybach sports car in the garage. “I can’t wait to see how this baby drives.”
Sean didn’t know this, but she knew a thing or two about cars. Her father was a master mechanic and before he died, owned his own luxury car dealership. Charlotte knew the sports car had a V12 engine and would love to be behind the wheel to test its speed on the open highway.
A few minutes later, she’d driven them both to the end of the driveway. She parked the car. Sean got out, came to the driver’s side, and opened the door for her. He held his hand out to her as she exited.
She wondered if he felt the electric current she did whenever their hands touched.
The sounds of the reporters interrupted her thoughts. She looked at Sean. “Let’s do this.”
Chapter Fourteen
Sean tugged on the collar of his shirt. The sweat was irritating his neck. Charlotte’s words were reassuring, as they walked to the gate entrance. Reporters were shouting out his name along with questions. Sean couldn’t hear what anyone was saying.